
புதன், ஜனவரி 29, 2014

Why Drinking Hot Water is important for Health!

Why Drinking Hot Water is important for Health?

Hot Water purifies the toxin, helps melting the fat deposits and destroys harmful bacteria in our body.
It is the most important catalyst in losing weight and maintaining perfect body figure. It is a miracle liquid remedy that will keep us in shape physically and mentally. To be healthy, one must drink the required quantity of Hot Water in a day. Health is wealth, so we have to keep a healthy body to have a wealthy lifestyle.

Recommended healthy methods for drinking hot water

1. *** One or two glasses of hot water, early in the morning, once you wake up and before brushing your teeth – at standing position.
2. One or two glasses of hot water, after brushing your teeth, before having your breakfast.
3. At least three glasses of hot water throughout the morning.
4. *** One glass of hot water at least 15-30 minutes before meal.
5. At least two glasses of hot water throughout the evening (Best if four glasses).
6. One glass of hot water, before going to sleep.


1- *** (Should be given high consideration, due to its huge effects.

2- The glass of hot water shall be approximate of 240-300 ml in volume.
3- The Water shall be hot at a temperature of around (50°C) that means hot enough to feel it while drinking, but affordable, without causing burn.

Diseases cured in People from Drinking Hot Water therapy

Asthma, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Diabetes Mellitus, Migraine & Headache, Anemia, Series of back pain, Urinary Calculus (Stones in the Kidneys), Urinary Tract Infection, High Blood Cholesterol, Rheumatism & Arthritis, Stroke (Cerebra Vascular Accident), Sexual and body weakness, Tiredness & Fatigue, Tonsilittis, Gastroenterisis (Food poisoning), Insomnia (lack of sleep), Colds, Flu & Fever, Heartburn, Ulcer , Constipation (difficulty in passing motion), Parkinsonism (Involuntary Movement of the Body due to old age), Hair loss (Baldness), Skin Diseases, All Kinds of Infections, Alzheimer (defects of the Brain), Heart Disease & Heart Abnormality since birth, Cancer (there is one case diagnosed and further follow up in other cases is being monitored), Purifying and Regularizing Women’s monthly Period.

You won’t only experience a tremendous improvement to your health, but also the following benefits:-
  • Becoming energetic due to the high intake of Hydrogen arising while drinking hot water.
  • Preventing you from catching various diseases, allergies and other symptoms arising from the change in weather such as colds, flu and fever.
  • Eliminating all kinds of stress arising from too much work, study, issues of life, long driving, road traffic, … etc.
  • Giving you tremendous energy that will help you enjoying a social life with your partner for both male and female.
  • Improving the women’s regular menstruation (for women).

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