
செவ்வாய், பிப்ரவரி 03, 2015

Inventions by Indians

Indians are technological badasses, though many would totally disagree with the fact that Indians have hugely contributed to technology in the current times, we have got you these examples to have those notions killed and buried deep in the ground. Here are some companies and inventions that have Indian origins but with lesser known credentials.

SlideshareThe world's largest slide-sharing website is the brainchild of Rashmi Sinha and her husband Jonathan Boutelle. The website was sold off to LinkedIn for a whopping 640 Crores.

USB: Yes, the Universal Serial Bus was co- invented by Ajay V. Bhatt who is an Indian-American computer architect, next time you're trying to copy your files and connecting your devices with the computer just remember Mr. Bhatt and yell out a big Hallelujah!

Email: No, we aren't kidding, VA Shiva Ayyadurai invented the email when he was just 14 years old. It's unfortunate that he didn't shoot to fame for reasons that we are unaware of.

The Intel Pentium ChipPlease do not stare that hard or your eyes might pop out of your sockets. Vinod Dham, popularly known as the Father of the Pentium chip is a major contributor in the invention of a generation of computer chips that totally revolutionized the computing world.

The Two-Seater Petrol Engine: Gopalaswamy Doraiswamy Naidualso referred to as the Edison of India invented the two-seater petrol engine car (costing a mere Rs 2,000/-) rolled out. But production was stopped subsequently, because of the Government's refusal to grant the necessary license.
The Two Seater Petrol Engine

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