This is to inform you that we are conducting an Interview for M/s. Descon Engg. LLC - Qatar, (
In view of the above , You are kindly requested to appear for the Company Delegates Interview as per the following details :-
Interview Date: 11 & 12 th Nov 2014
(Kindly confirm the date, You can report on any date)
Interview Hours – 10 am to 6 pm
· Reporting Time: Any time before 2 Hours of the Closure time.
· Contact Persons : Mr.Alex Mathew.( Zonal manager- South India )
· Mob – 089077 50006, 9496309776, 09895605220
Office Land Phone – 0484 – 4060444.
Vacancies / Designations :
Interview Venue:
NITS Technical Institute, Pyary Junction, Thoppumpady, Ernakulam.
Documents to be carried along with you:- (ORIGINAL & PHOTOCOPY)
1. One hard copy of your updated resume.
2. Two Passport sized photo graph. and Original Passport (is must)
3. All the educational credentials.( Both pass certificates and mark sheet)
4. Present and previous employment details.
All the BEST!
Be in complete Formal Attire.
Assuring you of a pleasant service experience, at all times
Thanks & Best Regards,
Alex Mathew
Zonal Manager - Admin & Operations
South India
+91 890 77 50006 ( Viber & Whatsapp )
Skype ID -
Mumbai & Cochin

(0484 – 40 60 444, 23 23 412, 232 00 20
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