
வியாழன், பிப்ரவரி 06, 2014

The silver lining

Despite all the talk of horrific change due to peak oil, peak coal, peak everything; changes are afoot that will make certain businesses huge amounts of money.

Here is an article about the demolition and scrapping of coal plants.

Miners are chomping on the bit thinking about all the mineral wealth hidden under Greenland's ice sheet that is now melting back.
 Oil and gas drillers are pushing into the Arctic and want Greenland areas also.

Sandy's devastation has been a huge money maker to estimators and construction people.  The giant projects being discussed to prevent storm damage and flooding to big coastal cities such as New York City will provide huge amounts of profit to certain construction companies.
As storms increase in strength and sea level rise puts port facilities and buildings in jeopardy, raising and protecting facilities as well as scrapping those not worth saving will be big money makers.

Of course the whole green transformation is making people lots of money. Solar and wind installers are busy and should get busier. New businesses involving energy storage should be coming on line.  The list is endless since these are global changes. Scrapping, recycling, moving and protecting infrastructure will be key business areas.  Efficiency in transport systems is another wide open area.

And of course, when energy depletes far enough the buggy whip factory might just reappear not far away from the sailing ship builders.

There is always a silver lining

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