
புதன், ஆகஸ்ட் 14, 2013

Understanding And Overcoming Fears

Understanding And Overcoming Fears

We are all afraid of something. We all have fears at some point or other during our lives and one fear brings about other fears. For example, the fear of death brings about the fear of illness or the fear of accidents. The fear of rejection comes from the fear of being perceived as different. The fear of success or standing out comes of the fear of relating to people. From the fear of failure comes the fear of making mistakes; the fear of taking on risks; the fear of taking decisions, the fear of not being recognized at work. The fear of others includes the fear of the anger and aggressiveness in others, fear that they might reject you, fear that they might judge you.

Eliminating fears and liberating the mind requires a broad knowledge of how our mind and spirit work. Our spiritual conscience has to awaken for us to realize what the origin of our fears is and how to overcome them from the root. Fears are like a tree; we can cut off a branch, but then other branches or fears will grow. We have to go to the root and, even, the seed, to overcome the fears.

Listed below are some of our common fears:

* Dying
* Health
* The unknown
* Loneliness
* Loosing a relation
* Loosing Authority
* Being rejected
* Being hurt
* Failure
* Whether children will take care during old age
* The future
* Loosing of wealth accumulated
* Being free
* Thinking and being in a different way
* Losing control
* Dreaming and making our dreams real

From these fears many other fears and blockages emerge.

Many of us are very straight forward and sometimes we feel that it is a curse. But please understand it is our core strength and carry on with the same for ever.

Self Confidence is very important for a successful life. Be clear in your thoughts and success will follow you.

Though all of us are aware the subject, this is being sent as a small reminder. It is applicable to all human beings, irrespective of religion, caste or creed. We sincerely wish all of us live the GOD gifted short life fully.

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