Ailments and Herbal Remedies
1. Abdominal Bleeding: Intestinal Cleanse & Intestinal Detox taken together; Cayenne Tincture; Cayenne Pepper Powder; Slippery Elm Bark Powder; Marshmallow Root Powder. In the case of PAINFUL ulcers, start off with the Intestinal Detox only.
2. Abrasions: Black Walnut Hull Tincture; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil; Herbal First Aid Salve.
3. Acne: Facial Massage; Jojoba 9% Tea Tree Oil; Intestinal Cleanse and Intestinal Detox; Kidney Tea & Tincture; Liver/Gallbladder Tea & Tincture; .
4. Adenoids, (inflamed): Echinacea Plus Formula; TotalTonic; Extra Garlic in the Diet; DMSO; Enzymes; Body Balance+ Formula.
5. Adenoids, (swollen): Add the Intestinal Cleanse and Intestinal Detox.
6. Allergies: Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; The Total Body Cleanse Program.
7. Alzheimer's Disease: The Brain Formula and The Incurables Program.
8. Anemic: Total Nutrition; Body Balance+ Formula; The Total Body Cleanse Program.
9. Angina Pectoris: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; Enzymes; The Incurables Program.
10. Animal Bites: Total Draw Poultice Powder; Total Healing Poultice Powder; Black Walnut Hull Tincture; Echinacea Plus Formula; Total Tonic; DMSO; extra Garlic added to the Diet.
11. Antioxidants: Total Nutrition; Vitamin E & D; CoQ10; DMSO.
12. Antiseptic: Black Walnut Hull Formula; Echinacea Plus Formula; Garlic; Jojoba and 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula.
13. Anxiety: Total Nutrition; Lobelia Tincture; Nerve Sedative Formula.
14. Arrhythmia: (see Cardiac = the Heart – later issue)
15. Arteriosclerosis: Heart Formula; Cayenne Tincture; DMSO; Enzymes; The Complete Incurables Program; extra Garlic added to the Diet.
16. Arthritis: Body Balance+ Formula; Double the normal dosage of the Total Tonic Formula; Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula; Arnica Gel; Lemon Egg Recipe; Total Body Cleanse Program.
Dr. Ian Shillington
Doctor of Naturopathy (Retired)
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