
புதன், அக்டோபர் 21, 2015


Think yoga is gruelling? Here are five asanas perfect for restoration, relaxation and healing
There is no cure like yoga

While many think of yoga as strenuous, some asanas offer the opportunity to restore, relax and heal. Generally, restorative poses relieve stress by taking participants into a deep state of relaxation. It also stimulates and soothes organs and improves concentration.

A restorative practice is excellent for calming and grounding (much needed in times of short attention spans).
Here is a brief restorative yoga and meditation sequence that can help you reconnect with that still and centred place within, helping you let go of feelings of inadequacy and boost your overall confidence.
Begin by finding a comfortable seat and cross your legs, with your ankles crossed in front of you and knees resting slightly below the hips. You can place a pillow underneath to help elevate the hips and ease any discomfort. Taking a deep breath, with a long spine, open chest and relaxed shoulders, place both hands at your chest. Begin to think positive thoughts, and allow yourself to notice and revel in self-love and peace. Observe the effect that the feeling has on your heart and body.
Allow yourself to rest in this feeling of love, and notice how it feels to treat yourself the same way.Continue breathing deeply into your heart, and for about two-five minutes, begin pairing the breath with a positive affirmation -`My life is beautiful and I am grateful for all that I have' -you have in mind.
Allow your body to relax with every exhalation as you begin to absorb its meaning. Even if this affirmation feels mechanical at first, by repeatedly focusing the mind on it, you are retraining your subconscious while subtly alleviating the negative self-talk.
A few minutes later, flow into a supported child's pose (balasana), by using a thickly rolled blanket, between the thighs, so that the torso, chest, shoulders, head and neck are fully supported. As you sit back towards your heels and rest your arms by your sides, allow your body to fully release from the hips, tailbone, and pelvis, to the belly, shoulders, neck and face.
Massage the forehead by gently rolling it from side to side on the blanket.
Once there, continue to rest as you breathe deeply -with every exhalation let your muscles, spine and pelvis release deeper toward the ground.Breathe slowly and stay here for at least five minutes.
Roll onto your back and hug the knees to your chest. May be rocking forward and back to massage the spine a few times, and then side to side to massage the whole back.
Roll the knees around in slow circles to massage the lower back and invite any movement that feels nourishing to the spine, hips, lower back and shoulders. Stay here for a few minutes, hugging the knees toward your heart with care. You can pair each inhale and exhale with: `I love and accept myself the way I am,' while breathing into your heart space. When we treat ourselves in a loving, tender way -both in our physical postures and in the things that we say to ourselves -we begin to believe that we are worthy of unconditional love, acceptance and support.
Lie down on the ground (for support, you'll need one or two thick fold ed blanketsmats) and raise your legs high, touching the wall. Start by placing your support about six inches away from the wall. Sit sideways on right end of the sup port, with your right side against the wall. Exhale and, with one smooth movement, swing your legs up onto the wall and your shoulders and head down onto the floor. Bend your knees, press your feet into the wall and lift your pelvis off the support, tuck the support a little higher up under your pelvis, then lower your pelvis onto the support again. Lift and release the base of your skull away from the back of your neck and soften your throat. Release the heads of the thigh bones and the weight of your belly deeply into your torso, toward the back of the pelvis. Stay in this pose anywhere from five to 15 minutes. Instead, slide off the support onto the floor before turning to the side. This pose relieves tired or cramped legs and feet. Gently stretch the back legs, front torso, and the back of the neck. This pose is actually a supported variation of the shoulder stand (sarvangasana). This pose helps you calm the mind.
The corpse pose or shravasana is not only the easiest, but it is also the most important asana in the yoga sequence. When you are in a state of shravasana (body flat facing the sky, with palms facing upwards), you are in a zero state. Allow yourself to feel nothing and let thoughts pass. Aside of focussing on quieting the physical body in Shravasana, it's also essential to pacify the from sensory organs.
Soften the root of the tongue, the wings of the nose, the channels of the inner ears, and the skin of the forehead. Let the eyes sink to the back of the head, then turn them downward to gaze at the heart.
Remember, it is the total relaxation pose and doesn't require the body to put any additional physical effort. Breathe in and say to yourself (in your mind), "I fill myself with an abundance of self-love, acceptance and divine energy". After a few moments of peace and positive affirmations, gently roll to the right and place your arms at the centre to form a namaste pose and thank the Universe for this blessed day.

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