Avionics Division, Hyderabad - 500042
Avionics Division, Hyderabad, a unit of HAL's vast network invites applications from the eligible candidates in the prescribed proforma fulfilling the requirement for the following posts::
- Assistant Welfare Officer : 02 posts.
- Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 02 posts
- Assistant Engineer (Mechanical) : 05 posts
Age : 40 years
Application Fee : Application Fee of Rs. 400/-, which is non refundable is to be sent in the form of crossed Demand draft drawn on any Nationalized Bank (preferably State Bank of India) in favour of
"HAL, Hyderabad", payable at Hyderabad.
How to Apply : Applications complete in all respects should reach Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Manager (HR)-TM, Recruitment Cell, HR Department , Avionics Division, Post – HAL, Hyderabad – 500042 latest by 20/03/2013.
Please view http://www.hal-india.com/careers/hyd/Asst_Engineers-&-Asst_Welfare-Officer_21-03-13.pdf for details and application format.
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