
வெள்ளி, அக்டோபர் 12, 2012

Drilling vacancies

Expatriate Terms: 1x Australia-Perth (Senior DSV); 4x China; 1x Egypt; 1x French Guyana (Deepwater); 2x Gabon; 1x Iraq; 2x Kazakhstan; 2x Malaysia; 2x Nigeria; 3x Norway (Deepwater); 4x Russia-Sakhalin; 2x Tunisia; 2x Turkey 
Local Terms: 2x China (Night-DSV); 1x Nigeria (Snr.DSV-Deepwater); 10x Netherlands (5x DSV; 5x Night.DSV); 6x Norway (3x Night.DSV-Deepwater; 1x Snr.DSV; 2x Night-DSV); 6x UK-Aberdeen (2x DSV; 4x Night.DSV); 3x USA-GOM;

Many other roles for other job titles in Drilling and Wells, both staff and contract should you have friends looking for other positions.

Simon Greening
Business Manager - Drilling & Well Delivery
Hays Oil and Gas
HAYS Recruiting experts worldwide
107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DB 
+4420 3465 0133

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