
புதன், செப்டம்பர் 12, 2012


Dear Friends

Our ancestors did not have the facility of computer, internet browsing, tv
and even electricity.... Yet they learnt ever so many useful and meaningful
things which they taught us silently in their own modest fashion. If we
fail to understand them, we are only the losers. We laugh at their acts
and words, branding them fools and illiterates....If you go through the
following select items, the scientific knowledge they knew could be
undersood and appreciated

1. Throwing Currency Coins into a River:

You would have noticed some people throwing coins into rivers when
traveling over river bridges. It is because people believe, it brings Good
Luck to us. It is also believed that it will bring back Goddess of Wealth,
Lakshmi to our households.

In the ancient times, most of the currency used was made of copper unlike
the stainless steel coins of today. Copper is a vital metal very useful to
the human body. The intake of copper with water is very good for health.
Throwing coins in the river was one way our fore-fathers ensured we intake
sufficient copper as part of the water. Rivers were the only source of
drinking water. Making it a custom by saying it will bring good fortune to
us has ensured that all of us follow the good practice

2. Joining both palms together to greet others:

Greeting others by joining the palms together is termed as VANAKKAM" as per
Tamil traditions. This is the most common way of greeting others Joining
both hands ensures joining the tips of all the fingers together; which are
denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind. Pressing them
together is said to activate the pressure points. This helps us to remember
the person for a long time. The joining of hands at the level of the heart
symbolically signifies the greeting from the heart/soul. Both hands join
together at the palms straight across the chest signifies a salute from the
soul, or a welcome from the heart.

Some others say that it signifies, bow to the God in you or bow to you or my
soul bows to your soul.

But what is little known is that the five fingers represent the five
elements" this is best expressed in Mudras. Mudras are very common in
various dance systems like Bharatha Natiyam, Kathakali and Kuchipudi.

The significance of the five fingers is that Thumb stands for fire energy
(which is why we have the thumbs up sign for success or victory?) Index
finger stands for Air/Wind energy, Middle finger stands for
space/Akash/Shunya" the ring finger stands for Earth energy(another reason
for putting the ring on this finger) and the little finger stands for water

The true meaning of VANAKKAM is the neutralization of all the energies by
bringing both the hands together so that each finger of one hand touches the
corresponding finger of the other hand, to denote that the person does not
have any powerful positive/negative energies to affect the other person.
Thus, it is a true gesture of friendship and welcome. Shaking hands often
involve touching an other person. Even though it is a very friendly gesture,
it can often transmit unfriendly germs. Sometimes, we might be uncomfortable
shaking hands with a person who has a sweaty palm, or whose cleanliness we
may not trust. But shaking hands in the corporate world is an accepted norm
everywhere. Shaking hands is the most trusting gesture that we can see in
day to day life, and is part and parcel of our everyday life. But is
shaking hands the only way to greet? In an
hospital, the attendant was telling everyone NOT to shake hands with
patients , as it might transmit germs. This is especially true since we
travel in buses, touch the doors, knobs, handles, purse, etc, and we do not
know how much of germs we may carry. Whereas the Tamil way of greeting by
doing VANAKKAM is so clean,!

3. Tying Mango and Neem Leaves to the doors on auspicious days:

The general reason given for this act is that tying mango and neem leaves
would not allow the evil powers to enter the house.

[Note:On auspicious days and on special occasions, all of us gather at one
place along with our relatives and friends. Photosynthesis is a process
where in plants take in carbon-di-oxide and give out oxygen. This process
helps in circulation of oxygen and in turn keeps the room temperature at an
optimum level. Mango leaves and neem leaves are very effective in the
photosynthesis process comparative to other plants. Neem leaves purify the
bacteria too. In order to keep the temperature cool and to circulate air,
we tie mango leaves and neem leaves to all the doors.]

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