
புதன், ஆகஸ்ட் 08, 2012

Schedule Inputs

Schedule Inputs

We need several types of inputs to create a project schedule:
  • Personal and project calendars – Understanding working days, shifts, and resource availability is critical to completing a project schedule.
  • Description of project scope – From this, we can determine key start and end dates, major assumptions behind the plan, and key constraints and restrictions. We can also include stakeholder expectations, which will often determine project milestones.
  • Project risks – We need to understand these to make sure there's enough extra time to deal with identified risks – and with unidentified risks (risks are identified with thorough Risk Analysis).
Lists of activities and resource requirements – Again, it's important to determine if there are other constraints to consider when developing the schedule. Understanding the resource capabilities and experience we have available – as well as company holidays and staff vacations – will affect the schedule

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