
வியாழன், டிசம்பர் 06, 2012

Walk in - Interview - Chennai - 8th & 9th December 2012

Referral candidates  invited :

We are conducting Walk - in interview at Chennai for Engineering positions.

Enclosed advertisement details published in newspaper and updated link of the open positions in our common drive given below.

  Date      :              8th & 9th  Dec 2012.
 Time      :              9.00am – 7.00pm
 Venue    :             The Residency Towers
                             115,Sir Thiyagaraya Road
                             Chennai-600 017
    Ph:044 - 28156363

Please mail the list of referral candidates who'll attend the walk – in interview in chennai to HR and advice the candidates to mention my name and division at top left corner of the resume hardcopy provided to us at the time of walk- in.

கருத்துகள் இல்லை: