
செவ்வாய், செப்டம்பர் 11, 2012



Beauty Tips for Eyes;

Often, the first part of the face that an onlooker notices is the eye. So it is important to adopt an eye care and eye makeup routine that will lead to beautiful eyes. Along with beauty, healthy eyes are also equally important. Here is a look at some beauty tips for eyes.

For healthy eyes – Sometimes eyes appear red and swollen. If this is the case then no amount of makeup will be able to disguise this ailment. Wash your eyes with cold water as often as possible during the day. If you use contact lens, make sure that you follow the eye care instructions mentioned by your doctor. Use an eye drop if required to get rid of the redness of your eyes.


Choose a good eye base – Foundation must be applied not only on the face but also on the eyelids. Apply a thin layer of foundation rubbing lightly with the ring finger to blend well. This helps to smoothen out the imperfections of the eyes and highlight the eye shadow and eyeliner colors.


Pay attention to the eye shape – The shape of the eyes determines the way in which the makeup should be applied. For instance, if you have large round eyes, a thin line of eyeliner is enough to accentuate the features. Do not use a dark shade of eye shadow for deep set eyes. Highlighting of eyes is essential but never use highlights for very large eyes.


To lengthen the eyelashes – Mix equal proportions of olive oil and castor oil. Apply on the eyes every night before going to bed. Repeat the process for at least two weeks to see the difference in the length of your eyelashes.


Get rid of dark circles – There is no real alternative to a good night’s sleep for eight hours to keep the dark circles at bay. But if they have already appeared, peel a raw potato and rub on the skin surrounding the eyes. You will notice the difference in the color in as less as seven days! You can also wipe the eyes and its surrounding areas with a cotton ball soaked in cold milk to get rid of dark circles.


Best eye makeup remover – Just as applying makeup on the eyes is important, removing the makeup is also equally important. Not removing eye makeup properly leads to clogged pores and appearance of blemishes around the eyes. Use a cotton ball immersed in baby oil or baby shampoo to clean eyes of its makeup. Follow this by washing with cold water.


To relax the eyes – In contemporary times, eyes are too stressed as a result of constantly staring at television or computer screens. Cut two slices of cucumber and place on the eyes as you sleep. This gives a relaxing effect to the eyes and helps you look fresh.


For dirt free eyes – Accumulation of dirt in the corners of the eyes is a common phenomenon, affecting both the young and the old. You can avoid this by cleaning the eyes every night with rosewater before going to bed.



Sparkling Eyes;




Sparkling, beautiful eyes are the best assets a woman can have. Do take time to cater to the special care that eyes need regularly.

Eat enough of Vitamin A and C. Take special care in the choice of eye make-up. Don't use make-up that can irritate and harm the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in smoky rooms and don't neglect a check-up on a regular basis. 

Tip 1: 

Soak 1 tspn dry Gooseberry powder in a cup of water overnight. Strain this in the morning and add 1 cup of plain water to this. Splash the eyes with this or wash them with the help of an eyecup. 

Tip 2: 

Dip a pad of cotton wool in some Rose water to which 2-3 drops of Castor oil is added. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids and relax for 15-20 minutes. 

Tip 3: 

Splash the eyes with a weak tea solution, thoroughly strained and cooled. 

Tip 4: 

Cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution and placed on the eyelids whilst relaxing.


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